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The Little Milk House

I was talking to a friend on the phone today, and she told me a story that was as full of passion as it was hilarious. They have a family farm like we do, and like me, she often finds herself battling some pretty stubborn (but proud and awesome) men over what to salvage. There's this little milk house that sits back a mile from the road that she loves and has adorned "her house". Its full of the good stuff, wooden siding, doors oozing with charm, marble door knobs, really the stuff that dreams are made of. Still apparently, shes the only one so fond of this house. To the point that a cow or two has made its way through the halls. (proof in photo above) Which just makes me giggle, because who wouldn't find the thought of cows taking a stroll through their house hilarious. She told me of one day where she got the call they were knocking her little milk house down. And she completely panicked at the thought of all those dreams wasted. So she calls her husband, and then her father in law, and starts yelling at him to "Stop the bulldozer or else!" Now its not really her house, I believe, but in that moment I don't think anyone could have come between her and those doors. As she's telling me this, it hits me. That's what Farmhouse is.

Farmhouse Vintage Charm

"Farmhouse" has had a bit of an identity crisis lately. However, few styles can evolve into so many forms and work the way it does. There's modern, rustic, vintage, country, urban, and everything in between. It really is such a diverse design that can take on any personality, and there's a good reason to why it can wear so many hats. To get there though, you need to consider the roots. The roots stand alone and are the foundation for it all. And they may or may not involve you chasing down your father in law to stop a bulldozer on his own land, working its way to his own house, because whats inside of it will crush you to lose. The beauty of it all, is its different for everyone.

Grandmothers Farmhouse Decor

When I was a little girl my grandmother would take me to antique malls here on Main Street. Funny, that today I live minutes from them. It all comes full circle I suppose. Although I love finding trinkets and treasures in these places, what she really taught me was appreciation for what has come before me. Her home is full of heirlooms, antiques and knick knacks she loves. Every piece has a story to go along with it. I recently discovered that my great-great grandmothers glass sits on her mantle. As my grandmother was telling me this, her face lit up. She felt the joy that had been brought to her by her grandmother again, and was so proud to be sharing it with her own granddaughter. So for me, when I think of farmhouse I think of her home. I think about all the history and love that is there, her impeccable design style, wood finishes, cobalt blue sprinkled throughout, and the traditions that will continue for years to come because of it all.

Family Heirloom Mantle

You may be wondering now what antique malls, bulldozers, cows and an obsession of blue have to do with decorating and furniture. The fact is, it has everything to do with it. Farmhouse isn't just a fad style, to me it actually isn't even a style at all. In Kentucky especially, it's a feeling. Your home should always be a reflection of who you are. What matters to you. Of course we all want our homes to provide joy to us and those we welcome into it. However, this isn't accomplished by only picking out a buffalo check pillow at your local decor store. Now, there isn't a single thing wrong with a plaid pillow. They're pretty cozy, look great by a fire, and as the queen of pillow hoarding, I encourage you to buy as many of whatever pattern you like as you can fit in a cart. The question I want you to answer though, is WHY you've chosen that pillow. (or painting, blanket, trinket, etc) How does it speak to you? What does it represent to you?

14ft Table- For Expanding Family

Maybe it reminds you of your mom. Maybe you'll use it to snuggle with your littles (people and furries) and a good book. Maybe your family is expanding and you want a place to gather, eat, and laugh for the holidays. These things are what will make the difference. This is what will separate a mindless decor choice, from something that will add value to your home. Farmhouse embodies your appreciation for the past, connection with the present, and consideration for who will come to follow you. It comes from the soul, not a picture in a catalog. That my friends, makes it timeless.

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