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If you've read part one, we're ready to move it along. If not, you can find it here.

Everyone caught up? Perfect.

Let me just caption these for a second...

"Men grunting"

"Stretching sounds"

"Drilling sounds"

"Is it straight?"

"Looks of admiration"

How did I do? Did I capture the essence of every picture you've ever hung in you're house? Just me? Okay...

In all seriousness, this went super smooth! Like butter actually. I was pretty amazed. That's what happens when you're dad is THE sign guy though. All that experience makes me pretty spoiled. Talk about our village, this man is a critical component to it. I mean, we don't have a hierarchy or anything, (I don't think? What they decide among themselves I have no control over) BUT if we did, mayyybbbeeeee he would be the chief.

TA DA!!! Isn't she a beauty!?! Those doors still have to be painted and an H placed on each one, BUT THAT SIGN! It makes it REAL! You should have seen me jumping for joy! Or maybe not, I was in paint covered pink sweats that aren't very cute. I really was ecstatic though. Its perfect, and exactly what I had envisioned.

We also got magnetic signs for the truck and another one of these for the back of our trailer, but you'll just have to use your imagination there because I forgot those pictures. What I also wish I had pictures of and don't is the assembly line my mom and I had on our driveway not too long ago. Remember the gravel story from before? Here's the rest of it. A few days later my dad and Josh went back to finish the job. (longer story but they may or may not have had to shovel an 8 ft section of dirt and relocate it so it would be level for gravel) My mom is another hero here because thanks to her painting the first coat of many many benches, we were able to finish all of our orders on time. I'm going to make her my new painting assistant I believe. And if you're reading this mom, I've got that work bench ready to save your back!

Whew, are you guys still with me? I can get lost in these sometimes. I think more often they're novels vs a short and sweet post. My whole point though, is that from the unexpected help, to a conversation, to the ones you know will get it done, and your very pregnant and adorable sister who will watch your crazy 5 year old along with her own 3 year old (that's love) ... To every single person that has helped, all we have met along the way, and those that will pop up in the future, you will always be a part of our village. Each of you bring you're own element into our work that is vital. You will always be a part of what makes Heirloom Heart, and none of this would be without you!

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