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This morning I'm lounging, trying to find the motivation to begin the day. Actually, I shouldn't say begin, because it was almost noon. I did get coffee and go to the post office already, so it wasn't a total loss of a morning. But what can I say, the combination of a fall chill, LulaRoe leggings that feel like butter (see shout out below), a new faux down mattress topper (no birds plucked around here) AND a 5yr old that just wants to snuggle had me hitting a wall. To be honest here, I don't know that there is a more perfect recipe for pure laziness. If you can resist all of that, my hat is definitely off to you. Will power... not always my strong suit.

But I digress.

So I'm sitting, okay maybe laying, there and I get a text. Its from a super sweet potential client we met with yesterday evening. It ends with her informing me that Max left a couple of his toys there. I just start giggling, this child of mine is just like his mama and leaves a trail of belongings wherever he goes. Then it hit me that she remembered his name. Which probably says a lot about who she is, but it just made me so happy. I love that. I love that we can walk away from a meeting with you and you know who we are, who our family is.

Max wasn't supposed to tag along with us yesterday, but he REALLY wanted to. I know it may seem unprofessional to some, you're supposed to keep your personal and business lives separate. But as the week had taught me, that's just not who we are. I can try to fight it all I want but its fighting nature, and I'll never win. I'll always be put back in my place real quick. Don't believe me? Earlier last week, we had to reschedule a delivery because literally the minute we were about to load up, Max got sick. Like all over himself. Of course I had JUST taken the spare clothes we had in the truck out that morning to wash. So I have to call and let our client know that the reason we are rescheduling is that my son had an umm... accident on himself, because whats the alternative? Lie? Not my style, and I honestly wasn't quick enough to think of anything else right then so massive TMI it was.

That's how it goes though people, real life. It's unavoidable. When I got that text this morning it all came together for me. I remembered that sickly episode, and I remembered another time that week when we didn't have a sitter and Max played with a clients adorable kids while we painted their stairs. I had been so nervous about how we would occupy him but it worked out just fine. Now, no...I don't expect you to accommodate our child, but you may meet him. You'll definitely hear about him. If you stick around long enough you'll hear about the rest of our family too. I realized that it is what it is guys. We're open books. There is a certain transparency that we just can't conceal, and I don't want to. We don't JUST build furniture, and you're not JUST a client. We hope to form a relationship with each one of you that has at least some level of depth to it, and proves to be long lasting.

So maybe you'll share a story or two with us about your own family (embarrassing moment). Maybe we'll bond over our love of coffee (vowing never to admit how much we consume), or your dogs (whom we adore but chewed up our new left shoe), or the fact that its just been one beautiful hot mess of a day. One thing is for certain,


It happens to all of us, so embrace it. I don't hide it very well anyway.


Casey's LulaRoe Lounge Leggings Required

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