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First and foremost, I must say that I've got a real bone to pick with the weatherman. I'm looking at you, Chris Bailey. For years, I've depended on you, for years I've praised you. But today sir, today of all days my old friend, you let me down. 74 degrees and sunny my butt! I expected a morning chill in the air. In fact, I welcomed it. The farm is always a solid 10 degrees cooler year round (except for summer, then its hot as Hades of course) So when 9:30 rolled around and the dew was still trickling off the trees above me, i didn't panic. I told myself that come 10:30 it would all fade away just in time for our concrete. Sunshine was on its way! But do you know what happened instead? Nothing. That's right people, NOTHING. The clouds stayed exactly as they were, i continued to freeze, and I had no idea trees could retain that much moisture. It was a cold, damp and dreary day for good. So good ol' Chris, If you're reading this, I forgive you. (You kind of made me famous in my own head for a day when you re-tweeted my ice storm pic) But I'll never forget.

Now that I've let the world know about my obsession with the weatherman, we can move on with this. What do ya say? Bye gones are bye gones... and check this out!

That hubby of mine is not a concrete finisher (?) by trade, but he knocked this out of the park! And if you happen to be nosy (although i think inquisitive has a much better ring to it) like me and happen to notice that he isn't wearing a ring... I'll tell you right now that after an incident with my sister's car and a spark plug (I think) you will never see this man wearing one again. I would like for him to keep all his fingers in tact, thank you very much. How else are we supposed to make all this gorgeous furniture for you?

Annnnnddd in case you missed my nonsensical Facebook live feed that featured my stunning work attire while I rambled on about a truck my husband wont get rid of (I know I'm not the only one!) and dinosaurs, here it is... Side note- Found out during that live feed that the hoodie I was wearing and had umm "borrowed" from my sister, was actually my brother in laws. Whoops! I kept it clean though.

We do work. For reals.

Not as much as this guy below though. Everyone, meet Shorty. I know absolutely nothing about him except for he is a beast at driving a concrete truck and was nice enough to let us use his sprayer to clean our tools and boots. Seriously though, the roads he had to drive down to get to us aren't exactly easy for a little dude in a massive concrete truck. And our gate is pretty dang narrow. Going to give credit where credit is due here, because although I can stop traffic for you to get in our drive, I definitely haven't figured the angles out for our truck yet myself.

I tried to chime in on this conversation between him and Josh's Pap, but there was no getting a word in anywhere with these two. So naturally, I stepped back and took photos of them all creepy like instead. I'm not sure what it is about this guy, maybe its the beard, but I feel like he's got a lot of stories to tell and I'm pretty sure they're awesome. PS- all our baggage back behind them is about gone, YIPPEE!

If you're still with me here, thank you, I've got this thing for rambling and i promise I'm wrapping up. Hopefully you're getting used to this by now...

End of story, There was so much more to this day than a concrete floor. Yes, I'm crazy excited its done. I'm thrilled we are moving forward with a place to work. But more importantly, we are bringing back to life a space that has so many of its own stories, and creating new ones all our own with it. Like the time I embarrassed myself on our Facebook page (who am i kidding that will not be a single incident), pushed myself and laid (I feel like laid isn't right here, but oh well) down a concrete floor, and then went on a long obsessive rant about the weatherman on the internet.

I hope you enjoyed the many, many parentheses I inserted in this post, I just don't feel like it would have been the same without them.

I also need to give a HUGE thank you to IMI Materials for they're awesome prices and solid work. Find their info right down below, and maybe you'll get to meet Shorty too.


IMI Irving Materials, Inc.

2180 Catnip Hill Road

Nicholasville, KY 40356


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