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Where to begin?

You've all heard stories of how a business begins. Someone has a great idea, and so they try it on a whim, then BOOM it takes off. There's a ton of work and struggle to get where they are, or maybe it came easy, but they've arrived one way or another and are now living their dreams. Fill in some blanks and that is a perfectly acceptable explanation of how it began for them. To me, its half told though...

Being the naturally inquisitive person i am, I always find myself wanting to dig a little deeper. I wonder, what about the beginning? I mean the REAL beginning. Not just what led them to that great idea, but what ignited that passion inside their soul that allowed it to be born? What was the road they traveled before like? I'm just not satisfied until i know it all. My husband, and the other half of this adventure, is a born story teller. He is just as fascinated by the history of others, as he is proud of his own. During our meetings i can almost guarantee you that a story of some sort, be it his or another, will be told by Josh. And maybe its humorous, maybe its strong, maybe its some random event that you've reminded him of, its going to make an impression i promise.

What does any of this have to do with furniture you ask? That's a good question, and I'm about to tell you...

Our history has made us who we are.

In my family, a line of creative artisans can be found. I remember going to my dads shop when i was little and studying him paint. He always told me not to hurry, its important to take your time. He was so meticulous with every brush stroke, a true perfectionist, and rightfully so. It was a craft that his father had taught him when, 70 ft in the air, they would paint billboards for their sign business. Today, in a culture of instant gratification, he remains the only one still willing to do it all by hand. In fact, he hand drew and painted our logo. (Shout Outs!) The smell of paint thinner is still strangely comforting to me.

On the farm that now houses our headquarters, Josh was taught life lessons. Life lessons that were being passed down to him as options, but had originated as the way of life. It was where generations of his family had passed down secrets of working with their hands to build their own dreams. Its also where food was grown to nourish families and neighbors, heirloom tomatoes especially would be found at the dinner table each night. To this day you can still find over 100 tomato plants planted every spring, and at least one will be a favorite Verba's Heart.

Our history has built Heirloom Heart.

The traditions you create around our furniture will keep it going.

Shout Outs!


Martin Sherrod

Lexington, Ky


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